Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Sean Connery in Zardoz movie.... leading the way in clubwear fashion?

Ahead of the game Sean Connery  in Sci Fi Fantasy  movie Zardoz leading the way in clubwear fashion from the 70's...  a very brave film star to get dressed in that clobber

Read more about the movie and that outfit below...


Its a very trippy movie IMO definitely made by the acid tab taking generation and complete tosh!

Monday, 10 December 2012

Florescent hair dye on its way for those that want true gold hair

Researches have found a way to make the ultimate clubbers hair by using gold dying process to make hair gold coloured and also florescent UV reactive.

Your precious locks must first be bleached white, taking seven hours of dyeing before it takes a hint of gold tint.  After two weeks of the process it becomes florescent red, so a some what lengthy process for now, so perhaps don't hold your breath for a treatment that you can use any day soon.  Oh and it will take £19 worth of gold per head of hair.


Saturday, 8 December 2012

Cold weather is on the way so time to get yourself a furry hood ladies?!

Cold weather is on the way so time to get yourself a furry hood ladies?!  We have a very funky range of furry hoods in lovely bright colours as well as the new rave of Couch UK hoods with faces.  Fun, practical and guaranteed to keep those ears warm this winter

http://www. fantazia.org.uk/cyberwear/couchuk/couch_furryhats.htm

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Britain spends less on clothes due to the recession

Britain spends less on clothes due to the recession, down from £18.60 per week to £17.60 this year.  Does this effect clubwear and the whole clubbing scene?  Certainly, the young and more impacted by this continuing recession than almost any other group.  Jobs are hard to come by and career advancement is limited.    What does this mean.  Clubbers still want to go out but with transport, entry fees and drinks still on the up the easiest expense to cut is what you wear.... make do, mend and customise what you already have and maybe accessories??! Sadly this means less colorfully lycra glad ladies at forthcoming events, they do look very sexy in the figure hugging neon gear :(

Spent the day uploading 50+ of beautiful girls in sexy swimwear. Its a hard job...

Spent the day uploading 50+ of beautiful girls in sexy swimwear. Its a hard job... but someone got to do it.  And gosh those girls look amazing in the bikini and monokini's etc, one of the less revealing ones are below!

This job is part of a large project to add many new outfits and clubwear from catsuits, swimsuits, fancy dress, fetish and more to the website.  You can in most cases fully choose any of our range of colours in your choice of combination by just emailing us your choices after placing an order.

And as an added bonus if order from Fantazia .org.uk you get free postage on any order over £20 which makes us great value.   1000's of combinations possible.  Great for raving, fancy dress party, dance groups and more....